Claiming ALL OF MY COINS in 2018!

I’m seeing a lot of people post the FB algorithms copy/paste status.

It’s a marketing strategy that we are all a part of. Whether you are clicking videos, ordering from ads, or sharing.

Have you noticed that for every ONE post of a FB friend, there are 2 to 3 post of videos and ads? 😒

One would think they are “avoiding spam”, by not clicking on things, but the truth is, it’s not in the ads, it’s in the “views” and “shares”.

Ever notice that the people who “post too much”, STAY on your timeline( unless you BLOCKETH😅 them)?

FB is the “Holy Grounds”, for attention seekers, they treat them like the ads…Always in your face!😒

WHY? Because it’s ALL a marketing tactic. You are an employee of FB, like “Bob, from Marketing”😂(#Martin)!!

I’m about to holla at #MarkZuckerberg about my check, and back pay for these last few years where I went hard in the paint, sharing, viewing and liking all these folks post… that I don’t even know!!

Got us out here working for the man, clocking in ALL day, FAITHFULLY!! I mean, can I get an Attendance Award, Incentive, Parking Space…SOMETHING??

I’ve decided to add “Marketing Strategists” to my resume, and I suggest ANYONE reading this, to do the same!💁🏽‍♀️

I mean, I knew I had it in me, but FB brought the best out of me! “You is smart, you is kind, you is a Photographer, you is a Private 👁, you is a Poet, a Spokesman, a English Professor( well…SOME🙄), a Videographer, a Comedian, a Mentor, a Stylist, a Chef, and a Buddha🤷🏾‍♀️!

I’m claiming ALL MY COINS💰FOR 2018!!

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