The Funny Thing About PURPOSE.

Have you ever had a million things, plans and ideas running through your mind one day, and the next….. BLANK?

Have you done something that kept you up all night with excitement of new ideas and plans to make THIS your calling? Ha, sound familiar?

I’ll blog, market, build a website, tell my friends and family… gather my tribe behind me.

And then you dive in only to realize that what worked for your mentor or friend, or the person you’re inspired by, is great for them, but just not YOUR thing.

That’s how purpose works, believe it or not. For most of us, it doesn’t jump in your face, all at once, or present itself as a simple task to figure out. Purpose, I believe, is a life journey of built in experiences of failures, success, heart-ache, growth, wisdom, and exhaustion.

Failures come in our fleshly way of forcing things that we want for us, but result in us coming to a realization that no matter how much we try to force the puzzle piece together, it just will not fit. Failures are not always our faults, but listening to our inner self and then acting with our outer self by speaking up, saying no, and being honest can help with a lot of the heartache that follows.

Success is misunderstood, if you ask me. Glad you did. Ha!

Success is found IN the failures! It’s in the growth, wisdom and exhaustion that comes from saying no to the wrong things and yes to the right things. It’s in the peace of knowing that your actions are not being forced, and your exhaustion of being eager to make yourself an expert at what you do. Success today is so misunderstood, however. We feel like success should be seen when really, it should be FELT! There are successful people working right at McDonalds and here is why: They have found peace in their surroundings and have no conflictions with their purpose.

Here is the thing, You can be called to master flipping burgers, and have more peace than the millionaire being pulled 20 different ways, carrying the weight of stress that comes with keeping that status quo. Photo_20180618_214914

Purpose can be tricky too. You could be surrounded by friends who are Doctors and Lawyers and feel a overwhelming desire to become a Beautician.

Quick Story Time:

My husband and I have been together almost 20 years, and have so much in common. Our relationship comes very natural and honest. Yet when it comes to our purpose, we are NOT called the same way. AND THAT’S OKAY! I have always done well independently providing for our family, where as my husband is a 9-5 guy. And I HAVE NO INTENTIONS OF MERGING THE TWO!

In marriage, you have to respect one another as a unit AND as an individual. He supports, encourages, and coaches me on for my free-spirited projects, task, and new ideas. I encourage, listen and stand behind his efforts at growing within his company.


But our purpose of calling as individuals are polar opposites, and this doesn’t make either of us any less or better. I’m just grateful that we figured it out early on in our marriage and avoided the misery of trying to live within each others standards.

So I encourage you, if you are struggling with finding your purpose, keep in mind that a lot of times, our purpose is buried under a lot of OTHER peoples purpose.

Grab your shovel.

@sheblogsdifferent (1)


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