CONS of Instagram Blogging.

Although Creating a Blog can be exciting and full of opportunities, using Instagram as your only source and platform, can be a major set back. Instagram has over 200 million users, making them one of the leading social media platforms, and also a major marketing curve amongst so many others with the same goals in mind. Everyone is seeking attention, by any means (in some cases), so be prepared for SPAM! Below is a list of things to prepare for when marketing your blog on Instagram.

Originality is hard to keep. Once you’ve launched your blog, and started the process of getting new followers, be prepared to get a lot of copy cats as well. I have personally followed pages that I found a LOT of my post on, word for word! If you are blogging about anything worth reading ( and I KNOW YOU WILL), then be prepared for the knock offs. Don’t take it personal, but if you do, file a copyright on your name!

There will be Critics. This comes with the territory of ANYTHING these days. People will second guess everything you do, and follow you just to do it, sometimes with MULTIPLE pages!! It’s exhausting, but you can thank them, here is why. Any engagements made to your page is a part of the algorithm process. So the more they comment and like, the high your post ranks in the news feed! Keep them around for a bit!

Speaking of Algorithm, it can be a pain. The very basic definition of this is, you are found and seen based off of popularity! So starting out, you’ll always be out bid by the more popular pages, until you build your followers… which is why BUYING FOLLOWERS is actually a thing!! 😩So work hard, pay attention to your organic, consistent followers and show them love back!

Hashtags will make you or break you. I suggest you start here, even before your first post. Research some of the popular tags, go to the higher engaged sites and see which hashtags they use. Here is a secret: most of them will have their hashtags in their comments, go there first. If you cant find them there, go down to some of their older post…it’s there…we ALL had to start somewhere! 😉

The Imposter Followers. This may hurt your feelings a bit, but I want to give you the truth about blogging, to spare you the set backs that I have had. You will get a massive amount of followers when you first start posting, if you are using the right hashtags. But 50-75% of those followers will not be there in a week. There are 2 things going on when you first start a page. 1, Instagram kindly puts you in a group of other new people on Instagram, and it helps people find you easier. 2. Between the fake pages for followers, and the people who target this section, you become bait for them to get you to follow them back. When you don’t, and even if you do, there is a little game being played of people wanting it to look like they don’t have to follow a lot of people, to get followers. So they will ditch following you, but you’ll still be following them! I KNOW, EXHAUSTING RIGHT!! I encourage you to be organic, engage with thought out relatable comments, and pay attention to your followers. Otherwise it can just be one big joke of people following you who have NO interest in what you’re doing!

It’s a LOT of work. You have to be ready to put in the work, find things that will get the engagement of old and new followers, research and refresh your hashtags, stick to what you know, create a great, consistent spread of images, find time to engage, know the best time to engage and post, and treat blogging as your business!

In all, blogging is the new Diary for most people. You have to love what you are doing and stay loyal to the things that interest YOU, no matter how different it makes you. Following the crowd will not only make you irrelevant to followers, it will make it difficult for you to be seen as original.

So, get going, or keep going. There is an audience out there for everyone!



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